dimanche 4 mars 2007

Pourim en Mexique

8 commentaires:

Tammy a dit…

Was this really in Mexico???? Or am I just stupid and believe you??? Btw ur baby is sooo cute!!!!! She is the image of you!

chana kestecher a dit…


rivka galperin a dit…

no Tammy this is in florida the theme at the party was mexico!

Sarah Alt a dit…

tammy! je croyais vraiment que c'tait au mexique! heureusement que tu as demandé!!! hahhaa

chana kestecher a dit…

moi aussi... hee hee

Tammy a dit…

we are all mad. whaddya expect??? hee hee

Tammy a dit…

your baby is so cute Rivkele...such a Vorst face

csb a dit…
