mercredi 20 juin 2007


Guest speaker at auction, from America- 29 yr old girl with down syndrome spoke to a crowd of over 1000 people. she spoke for 20 minutes and learnt her speech off by heart!
it was AMAZING!!!

plan of new building with some of my students in pics

selling auction tickets before event (i'm 3rd from right)

10 commentaires:

csb a dit…

wow sounds amazing

Heder Ohel Menahem a dit…

shuts! qu'est ce tu as gagné? la perrque?

Heder Ohel Menahem a dit…

oops zut! je me suis trompée de compte, c sarah alt!

chana kestecher a dit…

cooool pics!!! i didnt even get 2 hear the speaker:( no, sarah, no1 interesting won anything - only the rich dudes who, of course, we dont know! i wanted the cruise tho...:(

Sarah Alt a dit…

enfin sls tu nous as fait bougé le blog!

sarah leah a dit…

Non, J'ai rien gagner! pas grave....
c'etait un super soiree. il y avait pluse que 1400 personnes!!!

sarah leah a dit…

Desoler frenchies que c en anglais! Je ne sais pas tres bien ecrire en francais!

Sarah Alt a dit…

wow... mais oui tu ecris bien en french!

Tammy a dit…

Oy Chana...le cruise was mine, but they made a mistake and pulled someone else's name out the box.... boo hoo!!!!

chana kestecher a dit…

seriously! just cos we weren`t watching the thing - too busy watching their backs... ;)